In order to confirm you will be marked as complete, make sure these steps have been followed in order to link your Instagram Reel post:
1. Confirm your deliverable is a Reels Post vs a Feed Post
- You might have confirmed with a brand of a reel post instead of a static image, but the brand never changed the deliverable. If it is a feed post, the brand will need to mark you as complete within the campaign manually.
2. Confirm you have used the correct hashtags for the post.
- The platform will pull in the reel post if all requirements and hashtags provided by the brand are used. If you post without using these hashtags, you will manually have to pull in your post.
3. Wait a day for content to appear within the platform.
- The platform pulls in content at specific points throughout the day. Sometimes it takes longer than other campaigns for the post to pull in. If the post doesn't appear, add the post manually within the campaign.
4. Add the post manually within the platform.
- If the post is not pulling in from Instagram. Go to the campaign on the platform and select "Add Reels Post." This will pull up all recent posts via Instagram, and you can select the correct post for the campaign.
5. Reach out to Support for Help.
- If none of the steps above works to pull the content into the platform, please reach out to our support team. You can do this by heading to our support page here. You can also email us directly at!
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