Popular Pays works because our Creators and Brands can trust each other to be friendly and professional when they come together on our platform. These guidelines help keep Popular Pays running smoothly, for everybody involved.
Who We Are
- Popular Pays inspires the generation of beautiful content by connecting brands with creators.
- We believe in helping Creators pursue their passions full-time.
- We believe in content that’s truly worth sharing.
Creator Code of Conduct
- Do Copyrights Right: Share with care. Only share photos or videos that you’ve taken or have the rights to post this includes branded logos. It’s your responsibility to obtain photo release consent from any models who appear in your content, ensuring they understand how their images may be used. If a minor is photographed, you must obtain consent from their legal guardian.
- Be Real With Us: Don’t participate in schemes to drive-up non-genuine follows, likes, or comments. Any attempt to gain followers likes, or comments through non-organic means will result in an automatic suspension.
- Keep it Cute/Put It On Mute: You’ve got to know when to put on your businessperson pantsuit and get professional. What happens on our platform is ultimately a business transaction. Your mentions of Popular Pays or a brand partner elsewhere on social should reflect that.
Gig Expectations:
- Staying on Time: Timelines help keep everyone on track. Ensure that you’re doing your part to adhere to the timelines outlined in the brief. We know life happens: phones go swimming, and apps go rogue. If something cataclysmic comes between you and your timeline, let us know.
- Receiving Product: Sometimes, brands will gift you with a product to shoot in order to complete the gig. After receiving the product, all parts of the brief need to be completed within the agreed-upon timeline. If for some reason you can’t complete the gig, it’s your responsibility to make sure the product returns to the brand safe and sound. We’re not responsible for products that arrive/return banged-up, bungled-up, or generally.
- Using Appropriate Language: All communication on the platform should reflect a level of professionalism appropriate for a business setting. Happy partnerships= more great gigs for everyone in the future.
- Ensuring Content Quality: A brand fell in love with your profile and style for a reason. The style of your portfolio aligns with the look they want in a campaign. Content submitted for payment must reflect the level of quality you have led us to believe you can produce.
- Deleting Posts: We’re really serious about this one, and we’re looking out for you here. Deleting any part of your post (image or caption) before the agreed-on time is a big deal, and deleting even some of your captions can have legal consequences. If you don’t state that it’s a sponsored post, you’re in violation of Federal Trade Commission rules. Make sure you note requirements in the brief about when it’s acceptable to delete any sponsored posts from your feed. Please respect the agreement you’re making with a Brand. Don’t ghost a post on us.
- Mutual Respect: You only get one shot at making a great first impression. If you’re spreading the Popular Pays good word, or mentioning a brand you’re partnering with, please only tag us/them in content that reflects well on everybody.
Your Rating:
At the end of every Gig, you’ll be given a rating. Brands will consider this rating when selecting Creators for their campaigns. Keep these expectations in mind, and help your rating stay stellar. Ignoring any of these might result in a suspension from the platform.
We’re Here for You — Something about a gig not sitting right? Let us know what’s up so we can communicate with the brand and smooth out those wrinkles. If you need us, check our FAQ for an answer, or give us a shout
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