First things, first. Let's get your account set up for success!
Hover over the circle in the bottom left-hand corner of the platform to access the Account Settings page. This page is available to all platform users for personal settings. For information on the Organization Settings page, that only Organization Owners have access to, visit this article.
- Set your display name (i.e., what you'd like creators to call you). Who can see this information? Your name will be shown to other teammates within your Organization who are working on the platform, as well as any Creators you are in communication with using our platform messenger.
- Set your email notification preferences to ensure you're always in the loop.
- Event-based notifications trigger email notifications any time a specific event happens in the platform.
- Our Campaign Digest wraps up the latest and greatest campaign information into one email notification, sent once per week, or every 6, 24, or 48 hours.
Lookin' good. ✨ Now you're ready to create content worth sharing!
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